Context Capital Management grew its AUM by 105% from $866M to $1.7B

July 3, 2023

Context Capital Management, LLC (CCM) serves as an investment advisor and general partner to Context Partners Master Fund, L.P. and its two feeder funds. CCM focuses on fixed income and relative-value strategies, such as convertible arbitrage, fundamental credit, and event-driven scenarios. 

CCM is led by Co-Founder and CEO Michael S. Rosen, Co-Founder and CRO William D. Ferg, and CIO and PM Charles E. Carnegie. These three individuals, as the managing members of CCM, form the Investment and Risk Committee.

Between March 2022 and June 2023, Context Capital Management experienced significant changes as per their Form ADV filings. Their total Assets Under Management (AUM)  rose by 105.71%, surging from $866.2 million to $1.78 billion. Amid this significant financial growth, the firm maintained the employee count at 12 and the total number of managed accounts steady at 3.

The firm disclosed  private fund Context Partners Master Fund, LP

  • Gross asset value increased from $1.31B to $1.78B.
  • The number of beneficial owners increased from 286 to 318.
  • The approximate percentage beneficially owned by related persons decreased from 6% to 5%.
  • The approximate percentage beneficially owned by funds of funds decreased from 22% to 17%.
  • The approximate percentage beneficially owned by non-United States persons increased from 23% to 24%.
  • Added new feeder funds: Context Partners Fund, L.P. and Context Partners Offshore Ltd.
  • Added new custodians: CIBC Commercial Banking.
  • Added new prime broker: Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC.
  • Modified marketers Added: Fulcrum Capital Markets LLC, Encounter Capital, Gar Wood Securities, LLC, Coronado Investments, LLC, Elevation, LLC, IOI Capital and Markets, LLC, Blue Sand Securities LLC, Supervision Brokerage LLC, FDX Capital LLC.
  • Modified marketers Removed: Elevation, LLC and IOI Capital and Markets, LLC.

About the Author

Radient AI

Radient applies cutting-edge technology to dramatically simplify asset management workflows around investment decisions, due diligence, process automation and industry research. It combines financial data acquisition, risk-based investment analytics, portfolio construction, with tailored investment insights and recommendations.