13F insights: Top Sellers and Buyers of UnitedHealth Group Inc (UNH)

May 19, 2023
13F insights: Top Sellers and Buyers of UnitedHealth Group Inc (UNH).

UnitedHealth Group Incorporated, a multifaceted healthcare company listed on the NYSE, the company's operations span integrated care delivery, care management, consumer engagement, and support, distribution of benefits and services, health financial services, operational services, and support, healthcare information technology, and pharmacy.

Let's delve into the key highlights of the top buyers and sellers in UnitedHealth Group's equity. The data and insights presented in this blog are derived from the firm's recent 13F filings, as reported on Radient. 

Top Buyers of UNH 

Top Buyers of UNH found on radient

The top buyer, Credit Suisse AG, ramped up its stake by 1.59%, but the current value of its shares stands at $1.297 billion.

Renaissance Technologies LLC increased its position by 169.35%, taking the current value of its holdings to $686 million. 

Viking Global Investors LP increased their stakes by 65.65% to a current value of $992 million. Voloridge Investment Management, LLC's current value of its holdings is $267 million.

French investment giant Amundi increased its position by 10.35%, bringing the current value of its shares to just shy of $1.9 billion, a 13.88% change in value. 

Several firms have made their debut as buyers of UnitedHealth Group Inc.'s equity, demonstrating interest in the healthcare sector:

  • OZ Management LP has initiated its investment in UnitedHealth Group Inc., leading the new buyers with a significant $597 million stake.

  • Farallon Capital Management LLC has also made its entry, taking a close second place with a substantial $409 million investment in the healthcare company.

  • Man Group plc has joined the group of new investors in UnitedHealth Group Inc., acquiring shares valued at $307 million.

  • D1 Capital Partners L.P. and Coatue Management LLC have respectively invested $249 million and $240 million.

Top Sellers of UNH

Several investment entities have reduced their stakes in UnitedHealth Group Inc., with some even exiting their positions entirely, according to the data gathered on Radient.

Top Sellers of UNH chart on radient

  • Pictet North America Advisors SA led the charge with a 16.10% reduction in shares, decreasing their current value to approximately $26.43 billion - a 25.22% drop in value.

  • Banking giant JPMorgan Chase & Co followed suit, downsizing their stake by 13.57%. The current value of their holdings in UnitedHealth Group Inc. now stands at about $9.39 billion, marking a 21.22% decrease in value.

  • Morgan Stanley pared down its position by 4.49%, with the current value of its shares falling to roughly $7.06 billion, a 14.86% change in value. Similarly, Bank Of New York Mellon Corp (BNY) reduced its holdings by 6.64%, leading to a current value of about $3.93 billion.

  • Royal Bank of Canada slightly reduced its stakes by 3.21%, taking the current value of its holdings to approximately $4.65 billion - a 13.72% decrease in value.

  • Jennison Associates LLC made a notable cut in their shares by 20.58%, bringing their current value down to roughly $1.76 billion. This represents a 29.20% decrease in value.

  • Ameriprise Financial Inc followed a similar trajectory, reducing their stake by 22.36%, leading to a current value of about $1.51 billion, reflecting a 30.83% value change.

  • Clearbridge Investments, LLC also followed the trend, reducing their shares by 5.78%, leading to a current value of approximately $3.09 billion and a 16.02% change in value.

  • Egerton Capital (UK) LLP decreased its shares at 91.60%, bringing their current value to approximately $42.23 million - a steep drop in the value of 92.51%.

  • Lastly, Man Group plc has completely sold off its holdings in UnitedHealth Group Inc.

For more up-to-date 13F and Form ADV filings, hedge fund news, and insights, explore our main blog and SEC Filings blog.

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Radient AI

Radient applies cutting-edge technology to dramatically simplify asset management workflows around investment decisions, due diligence, process automation and industry research. It combines financial data acquisition, risk-based investment analytics, portfolio construction, with tailored investment insights and recommendations.

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