Form NPORT is now on RADiENT!

February 13, 2020

At RADiENT, we continue to integrate the latest regulatory filings to provide the most comprehensive insights, and today, we are excited to announce the launch of the new N-PORT explorer!

Form N-PORT is a mandatory quarterly disclosure for all public funds and ETFs excluding money market funds. This form contains details about a fund’s

  • Net assets,
  • Amounts invested in different securities in the portfolio,
  • Realized and unrealized gain on portfolio investments and
  • Profits and losses on derivative contracts

Form N-Port must be filed within 60 days from the end of the fiscal quarter.

Today we cover Form N-Port filed by T Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Fund (TRBCX), one of the best performing large cap funds in the last year. This form was filed for the quarter ended 30 Sep 2019 -

Part B: Information about the fund

Assets and Liabilities

Total Assets 63,765,170,176
Total Liabilities 269,981,043
Net Assets 63,495,189,133





The net assets of T Rowe Blue Chip crossed $63 Billion from ~$57 Billion just 6 months back.

Return Information

The primary fund class (TRBCX) reported monthly return figures as given below for the last 3 months

Returns for the month ended 31st July 2019 1.42
Returns for the month ended 31st Aug 2019 -1.76
Returns for the month ended 30th Sep 2019 -1.35




This was a volatile period for the fund in an otherwise excellent year where it returned 29.47%!

 Part C: Schedule of portfolio investments

Perhaps the most unique feature of Form N-PORT is its mandated detailed disclosure of the fund’s holdings in all securities which includes the ISIN, number of shares, % of total holding and market value.

For example, T Rowe Blue Chip held the following securities as on 30th Sep 2019

Name of the Security

Market Value (in $ Mill) of holding

% of total portfolio

No. of Shares        (in '000s)





Microsoft Corp




Facebook Inc




Stryker Corp




Global Payments Inc




Danaher Corp




Workday Inc





Stryker Corp’s total market value is $81.38 Billion, out of which 1.71% is owned by one large cap mutual fund alone! Aggregation across multiple N-PORTs of different funds can provide a much deeper look at market liquidity and concentration of different securities.

Like we have seen above, Form NPORT provides valuable information about different public funds and can be used to generate insights on the underlying securities as well!

We will keep you updated on the release date of the NPORT Explorer – till then you can use our Regulatory Explorer to find the different filings on SEC’s website

About the Author

Sanjana Shethia

Sanjana is a finance enthusiast with a passion for programming and data science. She focuses on the performance attribution, portfolio performance and product development of RADiENT. She is also actively involved in business development. Sanjana previously worked in the Treasury department of a large securities brokerage and asset manager in Mumbai. Sanjana graduated with a Bachelors in Commerce from Symbiosis College and is a Chartered Accountant (equivalent to a US CPA)