How asset managers leverage Radient AI to improve their work-flow

February 8, 2024

In the fast-paced world of asset management, efficiency and data accuracy are key. One of the primary challenges asset managers face is the sheer volume of data they must navigate. Radient AI excels in data processing, enabling asset managers to analyze market trends and company performances and gain competitive insights.

How to really use Radient as an asset manager


Case: Asset managers receive several external documents such as - investor presentations and factsheets. The process of due diligence can get rather complex as several documents, regulations, and compliance obligations are presented in various formats, making it hard to derive insights.

Problem 1: Extracting insights from a plethora of documents and filings.

Problem 2: Monitoring risk and compliance, and conducting due diligence incorporating several sources can get tedious.

Problem 3: Optimising the portfolio to stay up-to-date with the market.


Radient AI Solutions

Solution 1: Automating data extraction and analysis


data extraction

  • Managers can upload these documents to Radient. Radient enhances research processes by automating the ingestion of documents and analysis of public filings. Once these documents have been uploaded, Radient AI provides tools to identify, research, and perform due diligence.
  • By automating data collection and analysis, asset managers can save valuable time and make more accurate predictions, leading to informed investment decisions.
  • The Radient Factsheet tool on the securities page enables users to generate comparative factsheets against other funds and indices.
These factsheets can be generated using the pre-existing securities and indices on Radient or by adding custom fund data. For example, users can upload the returns data/ factsheet from an external manager onto the platform, and the platform ingests the information and formats it in an easy-to-compare structure.


Solution 2: Risk Management and Compliance Monitoring


  • Radient leverages historical data and real-time information to identify potential investment opportunities and risks. This foresight enables asset managers to proactively adjust their portfolios, optimize returns, and minimize exposure to market downturns.
  • Radient AI incorporates compliance checks and monitoring features, that helps asset managers to gauge how their funds and investments adhere to the set standards.
  • Radient also enables asset managers to conduct in-depth research on securities, funds, and peers by providing access to insights derived from SEC filings and other public disclosures. Radient has tie-ups with several other dataset providers such as HFR, HFM, Morningstar, etc, which ensures 360° coverage of funds.
  • Asset managers using Radient AI for a year have seen a 55 to 85% reduction in time spent on trade surveillance activities and, more importantly, improved risk identification.

Solution 3: Portfolio Optimisation

  • Radient AI facilitates portfolio optimisation by suggesting adjustments based on current market conditions and investment goals. The platform's algorithms consider various factors to recommend the most favorable portfolio allocations. This ensures that asset managers can maximize returns while aligning their portfolios with client objectives.


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About the Author

Jasmeet Sodhi

Jasmeet is an avid researcher and heads growth and marketing strategy development for RADiENT. Jasmeet previously interned at multiple startups where she developed a passion for marketing and content. She holds a Master’s in economics and international affairs from SOAS, University of London and a Bachelors in Economics from Ashoka University. In her free time, Jasmeet enjoys running and reading.