Analyze Fund Holdings using Form NPORT on RADiENT

July 2, 2021

Introduced along with Form NCEN, Form NPORT is filed by registered management investment companies and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) organized as Unit Investment Trusts.

The SEC introduced Form NPORT to modernize and enhance the quality of information available to users. This form records a fund’s current portfolio and detailed information on each investment in the portfolio, risk metrics, fund flow information, derivatives contracts, etc.

Since NPORT majorly focuses on movement in portfolio holdings, entities are required to file the form on a quarterly basis, these changes are then regularly updated on RADiENT to enable easy access for all users.

Why should you use RADiENT for data on NPORT ?

RADiENT enables its users to access data from individual filings, and aggregated fund data. For example, you can view

  • Cross-referenced consolidated manager, holdings, and transaction data
  • Track changes in portfolio holdings, analyze crowded trades, security lending activities
  • Overall performance of fund categories and families

Let’s take the example of PGIM Global Total Return Fund, with its last filing date of 23 June 2021.

1) You can derive key insights about the fund’s performance like:

- asset categories

- fund flow information

- turnover

- quarterly returns for individual classes

- equity, derivatives, and debt holdings as a percentage of the fund’s market value.

Furthermore, you can choose to select any reporting period for which you wish to track the fund’s NPORT filing. You can also visually analyze the performance of the fund on a monthly or quarterly basis.

key fund facts

Visually analyze funds on RADiENT


2)  RADiENT has comprehensive data that highlights the risk measures associated with a fund’s holdings. You can choose the currency from the drop-down list for which you wish to access the interest rate risk.

*The interest rate risk (DV01 or DV100) is used to calculate the value change in the price of a fixed income instrument, in response to a change of one basis point in the yield of the instrument.

Risk measures


3) Portfolio Details

Users can track the securities the fund has recently added or deleted, the percentage change in the value of the security, and the security’s corresponding absolute value increase. Towards the end of the page, you can access the complete list of the fund’s holdings, which includes the security name, security type, position, sector, and value.

security holdings

security holdings

security holdings


You can access all the filings of a firm like its FORM ADV, NCEN, NPORT, 13F, etc by navigating to the SEC Filings tab!


About the Author

Jasmeet Sodhi

Jasmeet is an avid researcher and heads growth and marketing strategy development for RADiENT. Jasmeet previously interned at multiple startups where she developed a passion for marketing and content. She holds a Master’s in economics and international affairs from SOAS, University of London and a Bachelors in Economics from Ashoka University. In her free time, Jasmeet enjoys running and reading.