Form ADV - Advanced Features on RADiENT

August 2, 2021

Form ADV enables investors, advisers and service providers to gain a deeper insight into the functioning of a firm, its funds and regulatory disclosures. The form ensures that data collected from firms is exhaustive and complete, however because of the sheer volume of data and format, Form ADV is not considered easy to analyze by all users. There is where RADiENT comes into the picture.

What makes the RADiENT platform different from the other Form ADV data sources?

RADiENT regularly extracts Form ADV data from the SEC website and consolidates the information in an easy to read user-friendly format. The Advisers tab allows users to access the complete list of firms that have filed Form ADV, in a default chronological order starting from the latest filing. You can use any Form ADV question as a field to filter criteria and narrow down your list of firms i.e. by directly typing in the name of the firm you are interested in, searching by total Reg. AUM, growth in AUM per advisor, first filing etc.

 RADiENT Advisers tab

Disclosure information pertaining to the disciplinary history of the firms and their advisory affiliates are presented to the users with a clear indication of the firms’ regulatory actions using coloured tiles. The green coloured tile (low) indicates that the entity has no regulatory/ civil/ criminal disclosures of the last date of filing. The yellow tile (medium) indicates that some questions, except those relating to felony /misdemeanour charges/convictions, were answered in favour of possibly risky actions. The red tile (high) indicates that the entity has recognised its actions and is being charged with / convicted of a felony/misdemeanour.

Service Providers list

The section over the search bar provides consolidated data of service providers. You can click on one of the service types to access a list of the service providers, the number of funds and firms they service and the total gross asset value they manage. This list can also be downloaded by users, using the arrow icon present on the top right corner of the pop-up screen.



The RADiENT platform providers an advanced search bar that enables its users to gain insight into details captured in the form, therefore, removing the hassle of navigating through the lengthy form. This advanced search bar can be accessed by simply signing up with RADiENT.

 search bar

The advanced search bar allows the user to look up any qualitative or quantitative fields mentioned in the filing. For eg one can search for subadvisors, funds services by specific prime brokers for a given time period, civil or judicial charges etc.

You can opt for several filters at one time like- ‘brokerage services by JP Morgan for the year 2020 for all firms with RAUM between $100M to $500 M.’

 ADV search 1

Another feature that makes RADiENT unique, is the availability of calculated metrics. Specific information is extracted from the filing and aggregated to calculate metrics that could be important for user’s analysis. The metrics RADiENT calculates include- AUM per Adviser, Percentage of A+ clients by AUM/ Number, Growth in AUM per Adviser, AUM attributable to Non-US clients, Proportion of GAV attributable to Hedge Funds/ Real Estate Funds, Liquidity Funds/ Securitized Asset Funds etc. The calculated metrics cover information from both the quantitative and qualitative type questions asked on Form ADV.



The Advisers tab has several other features that help users with their analysis process. The platform lets users mark firms as favourites and track their performances over time. The left-most trend chart right above the data table provides a summarised table of service providers, the total gross asset value they manage and the change percentage in the asset value by the end of the service period.

 other filters !

You can find summary charts for administrators, auditors, custodians, marketers, and prime brokers. Additionally, one can filter the service providers by whether they service funds or firms and by a date range.

Should you wish to schedule a demo or know more about RADiENT’s user-friendly features, kindly reach out to


About the Author

Jasmeet Sodhi

Jasmeet is an avid researcher and heads growth and marketing strategy development for RADiENT. Jasmeet previously interned at multiple startups where she developed a passion for marketing and content. She holds a Master’s in economics and international affairs from SOAS, University of London and a Bachelors in Economics from Ashoka University. In her free time, Jasmeet enjoys running and reading.